Most common asked coding question in React JS Interviews - Implementing Debouncing Input

Coding Question : 

Implement an input field that fetches suggestions from an API as the user types, but only sends the request when the user stops typing for a specified amount of time


  1. Debounce Function:

    • The debounce function ensures that the fetchSuggestions function is only called after a specified delay (500 milliseconds) since the last input change. This prevents excessive API calls when the user types quickly.
    • It uses a timer (debounceTimer) to keep track of the delay. The timer is reset with each keystroke, and only if the user stops typing for 500 milliseconds, the function executes.
  2. Fetch Suggestions:

    • The fetchSuggestions function makes an asynchronous API call to fetch suggestions based on the input query.
    • If the query is empty, it returns an empty array to avoid unnecessary API calls.
    • It fetches data from${query} and returns the suggestions.
  3. DebouncedInput Component:

    • State Management: Uses useState to manage query (the input value) and suggestions (the fetched suggestions).
    • Debounced Fetch: The debouncedFetchSuggestions function is created using useCallback and the debounce function. This memoizes the debounced function, ensuring it remains the same across re-renders.
    • Effect Hook: The useEffect hook monitors changes in the query state. When the query changes, it calls the debounced fetch function, triggering the API call after the debounce delay.
    • Input Field: The input field updates the query state on every keystroke using the onChange event handler.
    • Suggestions List: The component renders a list of suggestions based on the fetched data.

This implementation efficiently handles user input by debouncing API calls, reducing the load on the server, and providing a smoother user experience.

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