Faculty Positions of Assistant Professor in DTU

Delhi Technological University (DTU) (formerly Delhi College of Engineering), a university of Government of NCT of Delhi, invites applications from the talented individuals who are inspired for teaching and have a strong zeal towards research and innovation to fill up the posts of Assistant Professor on regular basis in the department of Applied Chemistry, Polymer Science & Chemical Technology, Civil Engineering, Delhi School of Management and Environmental Engineering by direct mode of recruitment: :
Faculty Vacancies :
- Assistant Professor : 12 posts (UR-4, OBC-4, SC-3, ST-1), Pay Scale : ₹15600-39100 AGP ₹6000/-, Age : 35 years
Application Fee :
Demand draft of ₹1000/- in case of General/OBC candidates and ₹500/- in case of SC/ST/PWD to be deposited online.
How to Apply :
Apply Online at DTU website on or before 27/02/2017 only and print out of the system generated application should reach the Registrar, Delhi Technological University, Shahbad Daulatpur, Bawana Road, Delhi - 110042 latest by 27/02/2017 at 05.00 p.m.
Details and application format :
Please visit Jobs Section at DTU Website at http://dtu.ac.in for details and application format. (home page)