Executive Trainee (Geology and Geophysics) vacancy in MECL

Mineral Exploration Corporation Limited (MECL), Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Bhawan, Seminary Hills, Nagpur - 440006, Maharashtra, a profit making Public Sector Enterprise (A Mini ratna Company) under the Ministry of Mines, Government of India, invites Online applications from promising, energetic and young persons with brilliant academic record to join the Organization as Executive Trainees in Geology and Geophysics disciplines through GATE 2017 :
Vacancies :
- Executive Trainee (Geology) : 24 posts (13-UR, 04- OBC (NCL), 06-SC, 01-ST)
- Executive Trainee (Geophysics) : 09 posts (05-UR, 02-OBC (NCL), 01-SC, 01-ST)
Age :
18-28 years on 30/01/2017.
Stipend and Pay Scale :
During one year training period, the selected candidates will be placed as Executive Trainees at initial Basic Pay of ₹16400/- per month in the Pay Scale of ₹16400-40500/-. After successful completion of Probation Period, candidates will be regularized as Senior Geologist and Senior Geophysicists as the case may be, in the scale of pay ₹20600-46500/- (E-2) (IDA Scale of Pay)
How to Apply :
Apply Online at MECL website from 30/01/2017 to 03/03/2017 only.
Details and Application Format :
Please visit career section at MECL website http://www.mecl.gov.in/Careers.aspx for details and online submission of application.