Jntu Study Materials 2016 | Previous Question PapersJNTUK B.Tech ( Civil) 4-2 Materials || Text Books || Lecture Notes

Here are JNTUK b.tech 4-2 Lecture Notes civil engineering materials for all subjects. JNTUK B.Tech 4-2 Class / Lecture Notes for Civil, CSE, ECE, EEE, IT & Mech as per R13 & R10 Here you can find all the materials of jntu kakinada b.tech civil engineering materials, eBooks, notes ext.

Here we are providing the materials if they are available directly for each subject, otherwise we are providing the text books preferred by JNTUK in Syllabus

Estimation, Specification and Contracts Material

Advanced Structural Design 

Ground Water Development and Management 

Watershed Management 

Finite Element Methods 

Solid Dynamic and Machine Foundations 

Advanced Structural Analysis

Water Resources System Planning and Management 

Environmental Impact Assessment and Management

Pavement Analysis Design and Evaluation     

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