(A Gold Category State PSU) / (A Govt. of Odisha Undertaking)
OMC House, Post Box No.34, Bhubaneswar - 751001, Odisha
Published by http://www.indianJobs.co.in
Odisha Mining Corporate Ltd., (OMC) intends to fill up the following Executive vacant posts on regular basis through online process of application :
- General Manager (Finance) (E-7 Grade) : 01 post
- Additional General Manager (Finance) (E-6 Grade) : 01 post
- Deputy Manager (Finance) (E-2) : 04 posts
- General Manager (Personnel) (E-7) : 01 post
- Deputy General Manager (Personnel) (E-5) : 02 posts
- Sr. Manager (Personnel) (E-4) : 04 posts
- Deputy General Manager (Mechanical) (E-5) : 01 post
- Deputy Manager (Mechanical) (E-2) : 01 post
- Manager (Geology) (E-3) : 03 posts
- Deputy Manager (Geology) (E-2) : 03 posts
- Manager (Company Affairs) (E-3) : 01 post
- Manager (Electrical) (E-3) : 01 post
- Deputy Manager (Civil) (E-2) : 01 post
- Deputy Manager (IT) (E-2) : 07 posts
- Medical Officer - III (E-2) : 04 posts
- Deputy Manager (Mining) (E-2) : 02 posts
- Deputy Manager (Forest & Environment) (E-2) : 01 post
Please visit http://omcltd.in/Recruitment for details and online application format.