(A Government of India Undertaking) Published by http://www.indianjobs.co.in
4/1, Siri Institutional Area, Hauz Khas, New Delhi - 110016
Central Warehousing Corporation invites applications for the following posts in the prescribed format :
- Deputation Basis
- General Manager (G) : 01 Post
- 2. Dy. General Manager (G) : 02 Posts
- 3. Dy. General Manager(Tech) : 01 Post
- Direct Recruitment
- Dy. General Manager (General) : 02 posts
- Assistant General Manager (General) : 06 posts
- Manager (General) : 06 posts
- Manager (Accounts) : 02 posts
Application Fee : Rs. 500/- through Demand Draft drawn in favour of “Central Warehousing Corporation” payable at New Delhi. Candidates belonging to SC/ST/Ex-Serviceman and Women candidates are exempted from the payment of application fee.
How to Apply : Neatly Hand written, preferably typed application as given in prescribed Proforma on A4 size paper should be sent to the General Manager (Personnel), Central Warehousing Corporation, “Warehousing Bhawan” 4/1, Siri Institutional Area, Hauz Khas, New Delhi - 110016 on or before 31/08/2016 superscribing on the envelop for the post applied for.
How to Apply : Neatly Hand written, preferably typed application as given in prescribed Proforma on A4 size paper should be sent to the General Manager (Personnel), Central Warehousing Corporation, “Warehousing Bhawan” 4/1, Siri Institutional Area, Hauz Khas, New Delhi - 110016 on or before 31/08/2016 superscribing on the envelop for the post applied for.