Government Jobs Septmeber 2016 |Specialist required in CNCI Kolkata last date 12th Sep-2016

Recruitment in Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute (CNCI)
37, S.P. Mukherjee Raod, Kolkata-700026

Director, CNCI invites applications for filling up the following vacancy posts  (Advt. No. 493/2016) :

  • Specialist Gr. II : 15 posts (UR-7, OBC-4, SC-2,ST-2), Pay Scale : Rs. 15600-39100 grade pay Rs. 6600/-  
 Application in plain paper giving name, parent's name, date of birth, address, qualification and experience along with copies of all relevant certificates may be sent to the Director at the above address within 30 days from the date of publication of this advertisement (published on 13/08/2016). Envelope should be superscribed with the advertisement number and the name of the post applying for.

Please visit for details and application format.

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