Government Jobs Septemeber 2016 | Faculty positions in IISER Tirupati last date 14th Sep-2016

Recruitment vacancy in IISER Tirupati

Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Tirupati
Mentor by Mentored by IISER Pune   Published for
C/o Sree Rama Engineering College (Transit Campus),  Rami Reddy Nagar, Karakambadi Road,
Mangalam (P.O.) Tirupati -517507.  Andhra Pradesh, India

Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Tirupati is the Sixth IISER established by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India for promotion of high quality science education and research.

IISER Tirupati invite applications for faculty positions in disciplines of Biology, Chemistry, Earth & Climate Science, Mathematics and Physics from Indian nationals possessing excellent academic record and relevant work experience. :

  1. Assistant Professors in the pay scale Rs. 15600-39100/- with  AGP Rs. 8000/-
  2. Associate Professors in the pay scale Rs.37400-67000/- with  AGP of  Rs. 9500/- 

How to Apply :  Apply Online at IISER Tirupati website on or before 14/09/2016. 

Please visit  for more details and application format.

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