Government Jobs Septemeber 2016 | Coastal Aquaculture Authority requires Consultants apply by 5th Sep-2016

Naukri vacancy in Coastal Aquaculture Authority
Coastal Aquaculture Authority (CAA)  
Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
12, GDR Tower, Bharathi street, Vanuvampettai, Chennai - 600091 (TN)

Coastal Aquaculture Authority (CAA) Chennai  requires the services of  following consultants each for a period of one year to assist the authority in executing certain specific works  :

  • Senior consultant  : 01 post, Emolument per month : Rs. 40000/-
  • Consultant: 03 posts, Emolument per month : Rs. 25000/- 
  • Junior Consultant : 03 posts, Emolument per month : Rs. 20000/-  

How to Apply : Candidates  may send their curriculum vitae to the Director (Technical), Coastal Aquaculture Authority at the above address on or before 20 days from the date of advertisement in newspapers i.e up to 05/09/2016.

The complete detail  can be obtained from the document

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