Executive Trainee HR posts in Mazagon Dock last date 1st Sep-2016 Recruitment Government Jobs August and september 2016

Mazagon Dock Vacancy
(A Govt. of India Undertaking) Published by http://www.indianjobs.co.in
Dockyrad Road, Mazagon, Mumbai - 400010

 Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited a PSU in Ministry of Defence,  invites online application from suitable professional candidates for following positions  :

  • Executive Trainee (HR) : 04 posts (UR-2, OBC-1, SC-1) in E-1 Grade, Age : 28 years as on 01/09/2016,  Pay Scale : Rs. 16400-40500/-
How to Apply :  Apply Online at Mazagon Dock website from 04/08/2016 to 01/09/2016 only.

Please visit section 'Online Recruitment' at Mazagon Dock website http://mazagondock.gov.in/newsite2010/recruitment.html for more details and online submission of application.

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