10th Floor, Bank of Baroda Building, 16, Sansad Marg, New Delhi - 110001
Published at http://www.indianJobs.co.in
Special Drive for Recruitment of OBC, SC, ST and Persons with Disabilities (PwD)
on regular basis
RailTel Corporation of India Ltd., a Mini Ratna (Category-I) PSU of the Ministry of
Railways, invites applications from qualified Indian Citizen for following posts in a special recruitment drive :
- Deputy Manager (Technical) : 19 posts (OBC-5, SC-9, ST-5), Pay Scale : E-1 Level Rs. 16400 - 40500, Qualification : B.E./B.Tech/B.Sc. (Engineering) in Electronics & Telecom Engg; OR Computer Science Engg; OR Information Technology; OR Electrical Engg.; OR M.Sc.(Electronics); OR equivalent. (Any combination of engineering disciplines where Electronics is one of the combination, like Electronics & Electrical/Instrumentation Engg. is also allowed); and (ii) Having qualified GATE-2016 in EC paper.
How to Apply : The application in the prescribed format, complete in all respects, along with self attested photograph, appropriate demand draft and self-attested photocopies of the following documents should be sent to Deputy General Manager (P&A), RailTel Corporation of India, Building no. 143, Sector - 44, Gurgaon - 122003 so as to reach on or before 19/09/2016.
Please visit 'Current Job Openings' at RailTel website at http://www.railtelindia.com/careers.html for details and application format.